Wednesday, 29 August 2007

The blanket bites!

Last night, in the time it took me to down load the photos from the camera and write the post, the blanket monster bit Dr Sweetpea........

Not knitting (visitors next week so trying to organise the hovel and wash the spare sheets) and I have to go to Belfast again so the next few days have been hecticed. Getting back on Saturday (grrrrrrrrr) so the weekend is only going to be 3/4 of a weekend.


YarnSnob said...

hahaha Dr Sweetpea looks so cozy!!!
Have a great few days in Belfast!

Linda said...

Lizard ridge is so gorgeous! I really want to make one now! The wedding photos are lovely, so nice to see the stole in action!

Nik said...

It would make me feel all happy inside to see someone happily wrapped up in one of my creations like that.

Looks good!